Conroe Greenhouses

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Shrubs & Vines



Black-eyed Susan Vine – Thunbergia -evergreen, perennial, twining climber, often grown as an annual, with ovate-triangular, toothed, mid-green leaves.   From summer to autumn, it bears numerous, axillary, solitary, salverform flowers, usually bright orange or yellow with chocolate-purple centers.  Grow in moist but well-drained, fertile soil in full sun.


Bleeding Heart – Clerodendrum -deciduous to evergreen shrub or climber cultivated for its showy, often fragrant flowers.  Grow in fertile, humus-rich, moist but well-drained soil in full sun.


Bougainvillea -evergreen to partly deciduous, thorny climbers grown for their large, axillary and terminal flower clusters.  Grow in fertile soil in full sun.  Available in green or variegated varieties with various shades of pink to red blooms.


Bower Vine - Pandorea jasminoides -vigorous, twining climber with wiry, branching stems and pinnate leaves composed of 5-9 ovate to lance-shaped, glossy, bright green leaflets.   Tubular flowers with spreading lobes are white, flushed crimson-pink in the throats and are freely produced in small cyme-like panicles from spring to summer.  Grow in fertile, moist but well-drained soil in full sun.


Clematis -evergreen or deciduous, twining leaf-climbers grown for their abundant flowers.  Some varieties are scented.  Grow in fertile, humus-rich, well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade with the roots and base of the plant in shade.


Coral Vine – Antigonon -fast-growing climber with bright green, heart-shaped leaves that bears coral-pink, airy flowers from summer to autumn.  Plant in moderately fertile, well-drained soil in full sun.


Cypress Vine – Quamoclit Pennata –hummingbirds love the bright crimson flowers that resemble miniature morning glories.  Fern-like leaves are finely divided.  Makes for a quick growing cover for trellis, fences, etc.  Grow in full sun.


Euryops -perennial evergreen sub shrub with silvery-gray leaves that produces showy, daisy-like, bright yellow flower heads from late spring to mid autumn.  Grow in moderately fertile, well-drained soil in full sun.


Fatsia japonica -spreading, rounded, evergreen shrub with 7- to 11-lobed, toothed, dark green, leathery leaves.  Produces creamy white, compound flower umbels in autumn followed by small, spherical, black fruit.  Valued for its foliage and architectural habit.  Grow in fertile, moist but well-drained soil in full sun or light shade with shelter from cold, drying winds.


Golden Dewdrop – Duranta -erect to spreading bushy shrub with ovate, rich green leaves.  Bears pendant panicles of small blue, lilac-blue, purple or white flowers in summer followed by yellow fruits.  Grow in moist but well-drained, moderately fertile soil in full sun.


Ixora -evergreen shrub grown for large, vibrantly colored, scented, 4-petaled, salverform flowers, produced in terminal panicles or corymb-like cymes.  Grow in fertile, moist but well-drained soil, with shade from strong, hot sun and shelter from strong winds.


Mandevilla -tuberous-rooted, woody-stemmed, twining climbers, with some perennials, grown for their showy, funnel to tubular-shaped salverform flowers, each with 5 broad, spreading petal lobes borne mainly in axillary racemes.  Grow in moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil in full sun with some midday shade.


Mexican Flame Vine - Senecio confuses -moderately bushy climber with narrowly ovate mid-green leaves.  Evergreen.  Fragrant bright orange flower heads mainly in summer.  Can reach 20 ft.  Grow in moderately fertile well-drained soil in full sun.


Mexican Petunia - Ruellia brittoniana –upright, herbaceous perennial with showy flowers in pink, white or blue.  Lance shaped dark green leaves on dark stems.  Height 2 to 3 feet.  Grow in fertile, moist, well-drained soil in sun to part shade.  See Dwarf Katie Ruellia for dwarf.


Morning Glory – Convolvulus -bushy, upright then spreading annual with dark green leaves and large, solitary, open funnel-shaped flowers.  Grow in moderately fertile, well-drained soil in a sheltered site in full sun.


Morning Glory – Ipomoea -annual and perennial trailers or twining climbers with funnel-shaped or tubular flowers that are borne solitary or in axillary or terminal cymes, racemes or panicles.  Grow in moderately fertile, well-drained soil in full sun.


Musk Mallow - Abelmoschus moschatus -a shrubby perennial that produces hibiscus-like flowers from midsummer to autumn.  It prefers fertile, well-drained soil in a sunny location.


Passiflora - Passion Vine -annual or perennial tendril climbers with alternate, simple or 2- to 9-lobed elliptic to rounded or broadly ovate leaves.  Exotic flowers are produced mostly singly, sometimes in racemes, from the upper leaf axils.  Grow in moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade with shelter from cold, drying winds.


Pea Vine – Clitoria -evergreen climber, sometimes a short-lived perennial, often treated as an annual.  Pea-like flowers are borne singly or in pairs from summer to autumn, and are clear blue with yellow-tinted white centers.  Prefers fertile, moist, well-drained, loamy soil in full sun.


Plumeria -small, sparsely branched tree, upright in habit, with very thick stems bearing alternately arranged, broadly elliptic to oblong or inversely lance-shaped, mid-green leaves with paler midribs.  Salverform yellow-eyed flowers in shades of rose-pink, yellow, red to bronze, or white are produced in terminal panicles from summer to autumn.  Grow in moderately fertile, well-drained soil in full sun.


Rose Bud Cactus - Pereskia grandifolia -shrubby, erect, evergreen cactus with thick, spiny stems and narrowly elliptic, ovate or obovate to lance-shaped leaves.  Brown areoles bear up to 8 almost black spines.  Corymbs of bright pink to purple-pink flowers, with white base petals, are produced from spring to autumn.  Grow in moderately fertile, sharply drained soil in light, dappled shade.


Umbrella Grass - Cyperus alternifolius -clump-forming, tufted perennial with 12-28 leafy bracts in an umbrella spoke arrangement.  Thrives in moist soils in sun or partial shade.  Can be grown as a marginal plant.



I still have lots of plants to add to these variety lists, so check back later.  I hope these lists give you an idea of the extensive variety of plants we grow through the course of the year.  We’re never afraid of trying the new and different, and if its successful we’ll add it to the mix!  Thank you!